Hawaiian Railway Society

P.O. Box 60369, Ewa Station, Ewa, Hawaii 96706, phone: (808) 681-5461

Close up of a HRS train car.

Society Membership

Help Keep The Trains Running!

While our passenger train provides us with the necessary capital to maintain our historic right-of-way and rolling stock, funding for all our restoration projects come from private donations and membership fees.

We get not state or federal funding and it is only with the help of our benefactors we are able to preserve and protect this unique and often overlooked portion of Hawaii's diverse history and provide one of the most unique experiences in the islands.

Additionally, as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, incorporated in the State of Hawaii as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service, contributions, memberships, and donations to the Hawaiian Railway Society are tax-deductible.

If you are interested in becoming a member or wish to purchase a membership as a gift you will receive the following; a card stating membership of the Hawaiian Railway Society, a subscription to our bi-monthly newsletter, the Akahelel I ke Ka'aahi, in which we cover recent news in detail, work being done around the yard and on the mainline, and snip-its of railroading history in Hawaii, and the right to attend our monthly board meeting where we discuss current business, the railroad, and restoration plans and operations.

For membership rates & an application please see the information below.”

Your KOKUA (help) is needed and appreciated!

Membership Types

(Overseas members, please add $15 postage.)

Membership Form

PDF file for downloading the HRS Membership Form.

Click here to download our Membership Form.

Please make checks or money orders payable to:

Hawaiian Railway Society
P.O. Box 60369
Ewa Station
Ewa, Hawaii 96706